Every Wednesday night the Bridge Youth Ministry meets – it is a place where
Everyone's welcome. Nobody's perfect. Anything's Possible.
Our HEART and PASSION for youth ministry is to provide a place that young people feel loved and secure enough to be themselves.
We are a youth ministry not a youth group.
We are not about hanging out like a social club but about training and empowering students to go out on mission in their homes, schools, communities, and the world.
Youth Groups Exist for the Sake of Themselves
When you hear the term “youth group,” what is it saying about those who have gathered? A youth group is a group of teenagers gathered for the sake of the group. A youth group is a great place to hang out and stay out of trouble; it’s a great alternative to hanging out with other groups of teenagers on a Friday
night. A youth group exists for the sake of those inside of the group. It’s a group of friends and leaders that exist for each other’s sake. It may even be a valuable faith growth experience as they study the Bible, but the primary function of the group is not about looking outside of themselves.
Youth Ministry Exists for the Sake of Others
On the other hand when you hear the term “youth ministry,” a different word sticks out. A youth ministry exists for the sake of ministering to teenagers. This can be ministering to a group of teenagers that have gathered as a part of a weekly program, but it is also in existence for the sake of those who have not yet stepped foot into the church. A youth ministry shepherds those on the inside, while challenging and empowering them to continually live on mission to those on the outside. A youth ministry should proudly shepherd.
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